The Religion Department has as its unique mandate the practical realization of the highest goals of Catholic education: to foster the integration of religion with the rest of life and to “make our faith become living, conscious and active through the light of instruction” (Vatican II, The Bishop’s Office in the Church, 14). With the whole Church, we recognize the need to present the Gospel message, to prepare young women for a life of Christian witness and service, and to encourage their growth in relationship with Christ.

Grade 9 (Required)                                                                                Course #110                                                                              Credit 1.0

Freshmen religion is a foundational course in Sacred Scripture. Working through the Bible from cover to cover, students learn the history of how God has been working to bring humanity into His family. They see how God’s activity culminates in Jesus Christ, and how the Church continues Jesus’ saving mission to announce the Good News of salvation to all men and women.

Grade 10 (Required)                                                                             Course #120                                                                              Credit 1.0

Sophomore religion picks up where the Bible leaves off and explores different aspects of the Church. First, students explore how the Church communicates God’s grace to the human race through the celebration of the seven sacraments. Then, in the second semester, the course examines major moments and trends in the history of the Church.

Grade 11 (Required)                                                                              Course #130                                                                             Credit 1.0

Junior religion is divided into two single-semester courses. The first semester is a study of Christian morality, in which students learn to pursue happiness and holiness through growth in virtue and fidelity to the moral law. The second semester is an exploration of the major areas of Christian dogmatic theology: Trinitarian theology, human anthropology, and Christology. Since those dogmatic topics are meant to shape how Christians live in the world, the course concludes with an introduction to Catholic Social Teaching.

Grade 12 (Required)                                                                              Course #140                                                                                Credit 1.0

Senior religion is also divided into two single-semester courses. The first semester is an in-depth look at the harmony between science and religion. Then, in the second semester, the soon-to-graduate seniors reflect on the community they have built throughout their four years at Ferrer and explore how they can continue to build loving communities wherever their futures takes them.

World Religions (Elective)                                                                   Course #146                                                                                 Credit 0.5

This course presents a comparative study of world religions, including but not limited to Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.